Results for 'Jotham Byarugaba Mbiito Samuel Mafabi'

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  1. Chapter 9. Role Clarity and Service Delivery : A Case of Masaza System in Uganda.F. Kyagaba Robert, J. C. Munene Kigozi & Jotham Byarugaba Mbiito Samuel Mafabi - 2022 - In Kemi Ogunyemi, Omowumi Ogunyemi & Amaka Anozie, Responsible management in Africa. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
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    The Semantic Descent Account.Samuel Guttenplan - 2005 - In Samuel D. Guttenplan, Objects of metaphor. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The notion of semantic descent made familiar by Quine is extended to a movement from the first-floor level of language use to the level of objects that language typically describes; descent here is to a basement level. The idea of such a descent is combined with the idea of qualification to produce what is called the ‘Semantic Descent’ account of metaphor. According to this account, metaphor first requires semantic descent to a level of non-linguistic objects, and these objects then fulfill (...)
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    Wörterbuch zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft und zu den philosophischen Schriften von Herrn Kant.Samuel Heinicke & Philip Ulrich Mahler - 1788 - [Bruxelles,: Culture et Civilisation.
    Wörterbuch zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft - Und zu den philosophischen Schriften von Herrn Kant ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1788. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitäten erhältlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bücher neu und trägt damit zum Erhalt (...)
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  4. Anashim U-Derakhim Masot Filosofiyot.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1967 - Mosad Byalik.
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  5. Toldot ha-filosofyah ha-ḥadashah.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1970 - Jerusalem: Mosad Bialiḳ.
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    3. Zu Lucians Hahn 24. 12 und Jcaromen. 18.Samuel Brandt - 1910 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 69 (1):157-159.
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    A pragmatist theory of truth and reality.Samuel S. S. Browne - 1930 - Princeton,: Princeton university press.
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  8. Ethical behavior.Samuel D. Brown, Aaron Miller & Kristen Bell DeTienne - 2014 - In Bradley R. Agle, David W. Hart, Jeffery A. Thompson & Hilary M. Hendricks, Research companion to ethical behavior in organizations: constructs and measures. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
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    Estética de la comunidad: Aesthetics of community.Samuel Manuel Cabanchik - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 18:21-30.
    Uno de los motivos recurrentes del pensamiento contemporáneo, es la indagación sobre el concepto, la representación y la valoración de la comunidad como una dimensión de la experiencia, en particular en su incidencia política/impolítica. Pero "comunidad" se ha manifestado como un "semantema" elusivo, es decir, una familia de nociones y asociaciones significativas, que abren y complejizan más y más la búsqueda de un concepto preciso, hasta empujarnos hacia las típicas "vías negativas" para la caracterización o definición del mismo. A modo (...)
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  10. Three lords of destiny.Samuel McChord Crothers - 1913 - New York,: Houghton Mifflin.
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  11. Counterfactuals and Abduction.Samuel Cumming - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8.
    We argue that counterfactuals and indicative conditionals are not so different. Certain notorious differences previously observed between pairs of indicative and counterfactual sentences are actually due to the presence of an anti-abductive modal auxiliary (would) in the consequent of the counterfactual. But such auxiliaries, of which will is another example, span the counterfactual-indicative divide.
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    A Filosofia da religião em David Hume: teísmo, ateísmo ou deísmo?Samuel Dimas - 2014 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 23 (46):449-468.
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    The zaddik.Samuel H. Dresner - 1960 - New York,: Aberlard-Schuman.
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  14. Sefer Otsrot Maharsha: asupat divre agadah, ḥokhmah u-musar.Samuel Eliezer ben Judah Edels - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Hilel ben Yehudah Ḳoperman. Edited by Hillel Copperman.
    ḥeleḳ 1. A-Ṭ -- ḥeleḳ 2. Y-S -- ḥeleḳ 3. ʻA-T.
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    The irrelevance of the machine.Samuel Fee - 2008 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 38 (3):18-19.
    We've all heard the expression "can't see the forest for the trees." But when considering the role of technology in education, it seems that many of us suffer from this obscured view. Of course, it's easy to understand why: new tools are sometimes fascinating, and new technologies often enjoy a certain coolness quotient. But ultimately, it is the way in which these technologies are incorporated into the classroom -- and their underlying pedagogy -- that is the foremost determiner of whether (...)
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    “Begotten” and “Created”. The Synod of Ancyra (358 C.E.) on the Perfect Birth of the Son of God.Samuel Fernández - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (1):9-23.
    The present article seeks to reconstruct the Christological meaning of the verbs “creating” and “begetting” in the Synodical letter of Ancyra (358). In order to assess the teaching of this document, the first part of the article provides an overview of the Christological use of “creating” and “begetting” from the beginning of the Arian crisis up to the eve of the synod of Ancyra. The second part studies the verbs “creating” and “begetting” in the Letter of Ancyra. The synodical document (...)
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    Chapter four. Overview.Samuel Fleischacker - 2004 - In On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion. Princeton University Press. pp. 61-83.
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    Chapter five. Self-interest.Samuel Fleischacker - 2004 - In On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion. Princeton University Press. pp. 84-103.
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    Chapter nine. Property rights.Samuel Fleischacker - 2004 - In On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion. Princeton University Press. pp. 174-202.
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    Chapter one. Literary method.Samuel Fleischacker - 2004 - In On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion. Princeton University Press. pp. 3-26.
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    General Index.Samuel Fleischacker - 2004 - In On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion. Princeton University Press. pp. 321-329.
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    Notes.Samuel Fleischacker - 1999 - In A third concept of liberty: judgment and freedom in Kant and Adam Smith. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 279-328.
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  23. Astonished thought : Friedrich Schlegel's appropriation of Socratic irony.Samuel Frederick - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
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  24. Sefer Ṿe-zot ha-Torah: ʻal mitsṿat talmud Torah: ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ Ḳunṭres Ḳinyan Torah..Samuel D. Friedman - 2000 - Bruḳlin: Shemuʼel Daṿid Friedman.
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  25. A la recherche de l'objectivité en philosophie. Une aventure métaphysique.Samuel Gagnebin - 1954 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 4 (2):108.
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  26. Hommage à Edouard Le Roy.Samuel Gagnebin - 1955 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 5 (3):202.
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    Trepidation spheres: Variant representations of the eighth sphere and the debate about the movement of the apogees and the fixed stars in Alfonsine astronomy.Samuel Gessner - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (4):714-754.
    In what way does the construction of three-dimensional spherical models in the early modern period reflect the search for an appropriate representation of subtle, slow changes perceived in the firmament of the fixed stars? The present paper analyses some of the preserved models and assesses the potential they held to stimulate contemporary thinking on this question, termed the “motion of the eighth sphere.” The spheres discussed here reveal different ways of conceiving and visualizing stellar precession, which was more commonly expressed (...)
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  28. The Ethical Development of Managerial Responsibility.Samuel E. Gluck - 1960 - Dissertation, Columbia University
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    Countertheses: Violence, persons, communication: A transactional model.Samuel Gomez - 1969 - World Futures 7 (3):47-56.
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  30. (1 other version)Philosophical analysis.Samuel Gorovitz - 1965 - New York,: Random House. Edited by Ron G. Williams.
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    The past, present and future of human nature.Samuel Gorovitz - 2005 - In Arthur W. Galston & Christiana Z. Peppard, Expanding horizons in bioethics. Norwell, MA: Springer. pp. 3--18.
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    Expression profiling: DNA arrays in many guises.Samuel Granjeaud, François Bertucci & Bertrand R. Jordan - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (9):781-790.
    DNA arrays have become the preferred method for large-scale expression measurement. Such data are needed in view of the large amounts of sequence data available: expression levels in a number of different tissues or situations provide a first step toward functional characterisation of new entities revealed by DNA sequencing. Although the basic principle of measurement is in all cases based on hybridisation of a mixed probe derived from tissue RNA to large sets of DNA fragments representing many genes, a number (...)
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  33. Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Mind.Samuel Guttenplan (ed.) - 1995 - Blackwell.
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    : Language and Thought.Samuel Guttenplan - 2005 - In Samuel D. Guttenplan, Objects of metaphor. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The central idea of the Semantic Descent account, namely qualification, can be used in a substantial way to clarify the debates about the relationship between thought and language, both within philosophy and psychology. Some remarks by Henle on how this notion has been just below the surface in writings about metaphor are highlighted. Brief suggestions are made about how it bears on debates about thought and language.
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    Psychologie du sens commun et science cognitive.Samuel Guttenplan - 1988 - Hermes 3:38.
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    Truth in Interpretation.Samuel D. Guttenplan - 1976
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    Work Down the Minds: A Sketch of Contemporary Philosophy of Mind.Samuel Guttenplan - 1996 - Critica 28 (82):67-107.
    In the article, I set out to outline the state of play in contemporary philosophy of mind. Given the wide range of issues and contributions which now make up the subject, the article sketches only some of the main areas of investigation, and their interconnections without attempting to give a complete listing of the positions (and arguments for them) within these areas.
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  38. Notes and news.Samuel L. Hart - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (1):158.
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  39. Recent publications.Samuel L. Hart - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (1):160.
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  40. Recent publications.Samuel L. Hart - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (4):622.
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    (1 other version)Die Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert.Samuel L. Hart - 1961 - Philosophy 36 (137):245-248.
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    Curies, cure, and culture.Samuel Hellman - 1991 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 36 (1):39-45.
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    (1 other version)The Relativity of Free Will.Herbert Samuel - 1929 - Philosophy 4 (15):325-.
    I was led to philosophy by politics. There can be no foundation for political action except in ethics; and there can be no foundation for ethics except in some form of metaphysics, whether religious or other. And one cannot travel very far along the philosophic road— particularly if one has in mind the need of arriving at some definite destination—without finding as an obstacle the perennial problem of Free Will. It is an obstacle which has somehow to be crossed. It (...)
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    Poetry Now and the Space We Live In.Samuel Hux - 1993 - Humanitas: Interdisciplinary journal (National Humanities Institute) 6 (2):3-14.
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  45. Reparations Reconstructed.Samuel Wheeler Iii - 1997 - American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (3):301-318.
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    The Theory of Matter from Metaphysics ΖΗθ.Samuel C. Wheeler Iii - 1977 - International Studies in Philosophy 9:13-22.
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  47. Retórica y filosofía en conflicto: una encuesta histórica.Samuel Ijsseling - 1977
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    Autonomy and practical law.Samuel J. Kerstein - 2008 - Philosophical Books 49 (2):107-113.
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    (1 other version)Systematization, Theology, and the Baroque Wunderkammern: Seeing Nature After Linnaeus.Samuel J. Kessler - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (5):n/a-n/a.
  50. ha-Yiḥus ha-madaʻi.Samuel Krauss - 1905
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